Stroudsville Church Of Christ

Our History

The earliest activities that lead to the beginning of the Stroudsville congregation began in 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram W. Holtsford came to Stroudsville to teach in the elementary school. The Holtsfords, showing their concern for a community with no church, arranged for Brother W. L. Karnes to conduct a tent meeting during the summer of 1931, which resulted in two baptisms. The Stroudsville congregation came into existence following a tent meeting conducted by Brother Thomas H. Burton in the summer of 1932. This meeting began on July 9, 1932, and continued through August 12, 1932, and resulted in 86 baptisms.

Excavation and clearing of land for the building site was started on August 8, 1932. Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson donated the land. Logs, donated by members and friends, began reaching the sawmill on August 10, 1932. The building was started soon thereafter. Members of the church contributed mill work and labor on the building. Fred Rich was baptized the last night of the meeting. Brother Rich was killed by lightning on August 17, 1932 while going home from helping saw lumber for the meetinghouse.

The first Sunday school was held in the front yard of Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson on August 14,1932 with 83 present. Sunday School classes were later held in a vacant house in the community. Services were held inside the building while it was being constructed. Attendance was very good during this time. Planks nailed to the end of logs were used for seats. Bro. Burton loaned tent seats that were used until the first pews were purchased in July.

The first four classrooms were constructed on the rear of the building in 1950. Before this, all classes were held in the auditorium. Two more classrooms and a vestibule were added on the front of the building in 1957. The inside of the building was remodeled and a baptistery added in 1958. Air conditioners were installed in 1960. In 1961, four more classrooms were added. A house was constructed for the minister in 1968. Three more classrooms were added in 1973. A new 400-seat auditorium and a complete renovation of the old auditorium were completed in 1980. In August of 1985, we celebrated a “note burning” and our facility was paid for. A fellowship hall was constructed in the spring of 1986. The parking area and the minister’s driveway were paved at that time. Renovation of the vestibule (original auditorium), bathrooms and side entrance began in the fall of 2005 and was completed in 2006.

The first elders and deacons were appointed on December 12, 1965 while Brother Charles Hicks was minister. In addition to W. L. Karnes and Thomas H. Burton, who conducted the first two tent meetings, the following have served as ministers of the Stroudsville Church of Christ: Floyd Hamilton, Monroe Lamb, Eugene Holloway, Ralph Kidd, Charles Lunden, Frank Taylor, Glenn Killom, Forest Rhodes, Claude Lamar, Jr., Joe Morgan, Henry Peebles, George Spivey, David Martin, Charles Hicks, Henry Pirtle, Gene Brown, John E. Maltais, Jr.,Darrell Blankenship, Harry Darrow, Richard Logan, Dan Balcom, Keith Howell and John Boyles. Our present minister is Tom Payne.


1 Peter 4:8-11

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.



1531 Stroudville Road
Adams, TN 37010


Schedule of Services

  • Sunday Bible Study: 9:30 AM

  • Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

  • Sunday Evening Worship: 5:00 PM

  • Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM


(615) 505-2613